
Record Page

Bay Cove Human Services Inc.

General Info

Program Name
Day Habilitation Services
Agency Office
19 Bradston Street
Boston, MA 02118
Program Type
Dayprogram types definition
Business Filing Type
Organizational Type
Transportation options
Transportation for consumers attending our programs
Accessibility Features
Wheelchair Ramps, Elevators, Accessible Parking, Accessible Restrooms, Near Public Transportation, Medical Needs, Services at Work
Mary Jo Cooper
Adult Day Health, Community Based Day Program, Day Habilitation (Day Hab), Domestic Violence Counseling, Job Counseling, Job Placement, Job Seeking, Job Skills, Job Support, Job Training, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Skills Training, Socialization Activities
Populations Served
Autism Spectrum, Behavior Disorder, Birth Defects, Blind, Brain/Head Injury, Cancer, Cerebral Palsy, Deaf, Developmental Delay Birth to 3, Diabetes, Dual Diagnosis – ID/MI, Eating Disorders, Elderly Person with disabilities, Epilepsy/seizure Disorder, Hard of Hearing, Heart Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, Mental Illness, Multiple Disability, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Stroke, Substance Abuse, Tourette Syndrome
Eligibility Requirements
MassHealth, Medicaid, DDS Eligibility


Bay Cove’s Day Habilitation Services are individualized based on service needs assessments. Measurable goals and objectives are devloped and approved by the person and his or her interdisciplinary team. A written plan of care, or Day Habilitation Service Plan (DHSP), maps out services provided to support the person in reaching his or her optimal level of skill and independence. A DHSP includes integrated supports and services of activities, therapies and skill training.

Developmental Skills training is provided in the community and Bay Cove settings. This includes a series of planned, coordinated and goal-oriented activities. Activities may include, but are anot limited to, self-care, self-preservation, communication, health and hygiene, personal care and social skills training.

The Day Habilitation program offers adaptive equipment for eating, self-care, arts and crafts, as well as the use of communication devices, small appliances and computers. There are a variety of sensory motor activities and supplies available to the participants, including sensory tables, weighted blankets, sensory objects, tactile activities and sensory gardens.


Client Information

Staff to Client Ratios
6 clients to every 1 staff person
Age Range of Clients
22 years to 99 years

Towns Served


Record last updated on 26/06/2023

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