Best Buddies International
General Info
Program Name
Best Buddies in MA & RI
Agency Office
45 Bromfield Street 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Business Filing Type
Organizational Type
Accessibility Features
Accessible Parking, Accessible Restrooms, Near Public Transportation
Patrick Shaughnessy
Job Placement, Job Skills, Job Support, Job Training, Socialization Activities
Populations Served
Developmental Disability, Intellectual Disabilities
Eligibility Requirements
DDS eligibility
The mission of Best Buddies is to enhance the lives of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) through opportunities for one-to-one friendship and integrated employment.
The Best Buddies Jobs program represents one of our organization’s five key mission pillars, Integrated Employment. This program secures jobs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). It allows them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and independently support themselves.
The Jobs program places focus beyond the typical jobs in which a person with IDD might be placed. Best Buddies focuses on finding work that matches the job seeker’s interests and talents.
Client Information
Staff to Client Ratios
5 clients to every 1 staff person
Age Range of Clients
19 years to 100 years
Towns Served
Record last updated on 11/02/2025